The Projects

The creation of public housing was a good sign because it showed that the government cared about its middle class. The government wasn't just building small cramped spaces that would cost it the least to build, it took people's needs into consideration and included community services and facilities. Housing Projects have a very negative connotation tied to its name. It is associated with lower class minorities and gangsters (or at least that's what I've been scared into thinking). As a kid my mom would warn me not to take the other route which would lead me to walk past the projects. I didn't understand why because I liked the buildings because they had a big playground in the middle and lots of picnic tables and benches. But I listened and the more I was warned the more cautious and scared I became of that area. Then recently I found out there's another Projects around the movie theater go to. I was never afraid of walking home from there, but then one time I was walking home from there late at night and my friend said to me, "The Projects are around here, if anything happens start running as fast as you can". Are the Projects really a place with dangerous people, or is it a myth? Why is the word "Projects" so negative?