Cultural Similarities

I think everyone has already touched upon what the two readings were about and have related it to their own experiences. There are many reasons as to why people of the same races or ethnicities tend to stay together. Seeing Justin's picture of him and his friends reminded me of my high school crew. I was part of this large asian group that tended to do everything together, from hanging out on weekends, doing community service, movies, eat lunch, prom, and senior trip. I wouldn't say that we bonded just because we're Asian, but rather that we're all interested in our Asian culture. At a time where many kids (well we're not kids anymore) tend to drift from their native culture and immerse more into American culture, being in a group like that keeps you interested in your own culture and you learn more about your culture from you hands. I think even more than that, tending to be with a group of the same ethnicity hinders a person's ability to get along with different people later on. The more people stay with people that are similar to themselves, the more comfortable it becomes to just be with those people and the harder it might be later to get along with others. People tend to be around those that are similar to them, and being of the same culture means that you already have things in common without having to say anything.


Not everyone here is Asian, but they are Asian on the inside =)