A New Discrimination

New York City is a place that many people go to for more opportunities, including less racial discrimination compared to what they may have faced before. Yes, there may be less discrimination here, but of course it still exists. In our reading "Freedom Now", whites and Puerto Ricans were hired over black people. I'm sure people still do racist things like that, but it's done in a less obvious way, and there are many reasons that employers can come up with to cover it up. Black people have faced a lot of discrimination in the past and still some today, but other races or people of other ethnicities that have arrived and that are discriminated today. In the reading "The Beginning of Public Housing in New York", African Americans were unable to buy housing they could afford and tended to end up living in the same neighborhood. That is still true today, but I don't know if that's because it's still hard for them to find housing because of their race (probably not), or if prices there are lower, or if they want to be around those of their own culture. Today there are other groups that face that real estate discrimination. I live in Flushing and it's like a magnet for new immigrants from China. Even amongst the Asian community, they face a lot of discrimination (depending on where they're from). When these immigrants arrive, they tend to rent a room and residents who want to make other income are willing to make division in their house and make a new room to rent out. Because of this many buildings are afraid that these immigrants will diminish the real estate value. They've taken precautions like make keys that can't be duplicated or have a minimum salary requirement that families have to have.