Chinatown Mystery

  After reading both the "Terra Incognita" and "New York's Chinatown" I obtained a view of Chinatown that I never had considered. The Chinese way of living back then, was very different form "average American" way. In turn the Chinese were ostracized and established centers where they congregated. Chapter 1 in "New York's Chinatown" was about multiple Chinese resident each with their own story. Quimbo Appo's story was an especially interesting one because his two personalities of both a successful businessman all the while having fits of rage and killing people accurately depicted the image of Chinatown at that time. As described in "Terra Incognita","the sociocultural life of the community (of chinatown) was said to be self contained and set apart from the rest of the city. Chinatown, then was in New York, but not of it." This created a mysterious culture from the outside that attracted white women to chinese men. The smell and use of Opium was also prevalent in the Chinese culture in Chinatown. 

  The picture posted delineates how engulfed the Chinese were with their culture. This picture of a celebration of the Chinese New Years seems like a scene out of a local street in China. According to Charles Somerville, a police reporter, the idea of Chinese communities would always remain foreign to Americans. The Chinese Americans were sure to keep there traditions alive in a far away land. 2007/08/old-phot..