
         The bible has defined morality for thousands of years. As most of you may know, it is biblically forbidden to engage in sexual acts with a person of the same sex. I personally believe in the truth and eternity of the Old Testament, along with every commandment included. I however, am completely accepting of homosexuality in the world around me, but would never allow it to enter my life. Many may see the Torah as close-minded, bigoted, and old fashioned, but for those who are pulled between traditional morality and social correctness, I hope this post will provide insight on the homosexuality.
            Maimonides, a scholarly Jewish philosopher, explains how many of the commandments written in the Torah are written in order to separate us from our instinctual needs and better us as people. Commandments such as eating Kosher, adultery, and homosexuality would fall under this category. By controlling actions and thought, one can overcome “undesirable” urges and elevate his mind from his body. According to this philosophy, one is recommended to express him or her self differently than how he or she feels.
            I do see a small contradiction with my adopted philosophy. How can I, or anyone who claims they accept homosexuality in the world, not accept homosexuality in their own lives?