
Framing our neighborhood study

Not everyone has commented yet about how we should frame our study, but I am getting a broader sense of people's interests with all the comments you've made. First, I like Deborah's idea about stereotypes very much--it's a good way to capture the difference between outsiders and residents, and it also reflects what we've been studying as a class (Harlem, Chinatown, Little Italy, etc.)--but I am also concerned that outsiders probably won't want to be filmed talking about stereotypes.

About the Q Train Project

Our collaborative website project features the two communities of Chinatown in Manhattan and Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, as well as the Q train subway that connects the two. At first glance, it seems as if Chinatown and Brighton Beach could not be any more different. A stretch of ocean separates the two areas, with Chinatown at the southern tip of Manhattan and Brighton Beach at the bottom of Brooklyn. Chinatown is a tourist destination for those visiting New York City for the first time.


      Did you ever wish you could buy an exquisite designer watch, a new leather belt, and a delicious and filling snack for under $75 dollars? For most people, that is a dream that will never become reality. For New Yorkers, or anyone who visits New York, for that matter, this just sounds like a typical Saturday afternoon in New York’s Chinatown.

Chinatown Demographics

 Chinatown Demographics


Acquired through the Asian American Federation of New York Census Information Center


Population by Race


Historical Sites

    Confucius Memorial

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